A great crowd gathered at Congregation Bet Ha’am to attend the NCJW annual meeting on Tuesday evening, June 20th. Barbara Peisner, Scholarship Chair, began the program and welcomed new and long-standing members to this yearly event. Roberta Gordon provided the invocation and handed the microphone to Immediate Past President Lynn Goldfarb to deliver the Annual Report. Lynn provided a brief overview of the year’s activities to include the NCJW Equal Justice Forum, the initiative to provide feminine hygiene products and the on-going Reiche Backpack Initiative – details for other programs and projects can be found on our website. There is currently a need for additional tutors at Reiche and she encouraged interested volunteers to contact Eydie Pryzant (rpryzant@maine.rr.com, 878-5065) to find out more. In conclusion, she emphasized the need for members to take a stand and be a part of the organization’s activism in a variety of social justice initiatives.
Past President Gail Volk then conducted the changing of the guard for the NCJW board. She recognized six valuable board members (Rebecca DeLois, Eileen Arsenault, Rena Becker, Marcy Black, Pat Reef, and Dauna Binder) for their years of valuable service as they stepped down from the board and installed incoming board members (Nancy Scott, Alicia Harding, Rachel Reed, Margaret Hathaway, Jennifer Kanwit, Susan Gladstein, JoAnn Miller Goodman) to their new roles.
Top cap off the night, Barbara Peisner awarded scholarships to 19 deserving students. Stephen Gleit presented three students with Selma Gleit Memorial STEM scholarships and family members from several scholarship endowment families were on hand to congratulate recipients.
Look for upcoming details for our September 14th event: An Evening with Sara Gideon, Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives.