We’re looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Annual Meeting
Thursday, May 30 at the Jewish Community Alliance
6:30 pm Reception
7:00 pm Meeting
Come for refreshments & stay for:
Scholarship Awards Presentation
Installation of 2019-2020 Board Members
Annual Report
Musical Entertainment by Lynnea Harding,
Drawing for Spa Mani/Pedi (see eligibility below)
RSVP by Thursday, May 24th to Ruth Cohen at 207-774-3217 or rumico70 [at] aol [dot] com
Two-Year Membership Deal ends soon!
NOW thru May 30th!
Two years’ membership for only $50 ($52 via PayPal at NCJW Renew)
includes entry in our drawing for a spa mani/pedi at Nine Stones Spa!