Congregation Bet Ha’am gave a warm welcome to NCJW at its design award-winning temple Sept. 19. At the outset of Sabbath services, all NCJW members present joined in reciting the blessing over the candles. We made quite a crowd!
Section president Lynn Goldfarb spoke from the bimah about NCJW’s national history, local projects, and future plans, emphasizing the good work we do and the fellowship we share. At the conclusion of services, congregants sampled hors d’oeuvres, sweets and drinks provided by our section. A number of those attending expressed interest in joining NCJW, which was just what we hoped for. Thanks to Becky DeLois for organizing the event, Christy Altman for the lovely decorations, Lynn Goldfarb for her charming speech, everyone who contributed to the Oneg, and all those who attended. It was a wonderful evening.